Carane nambah aditif silikonProcessing PS lan lumahing Gamelan?,
Processing PS lan lumahing Gamelan, Aditif Silicone, Silicone Masterbatch,
Silicone Masterbatch( Siloxane Masterbatch ) LYSI-410 minangka formulasi pelletized kanthi 50% polimer siloxane bobot molekul ultra dhuwur sing disebar ing polystyrene High impact (HIPS). Iki digunakake minangka aditif pangolahan sing efisien ing sistem resin kompatibel PS kanggo nambah sifat pangolahan lan ngowahi kualitas permukaan.
Dibandhingake karo aditif Silicone / Siloxane bobot molekul sing luwih murah, kayata lenga Silicone, cairan silikon utawa aditif pangolahan jinis liyane, seri SILIKE Silicone Masterbatch LYSI samesthine bakal menehi keuntungan sing luwih apik, contone,. Slipage kurang meneng, rilis cetakan sing luwih apik, nyuda drool mati, koefisien gesekan sing luwih murah, masalah cat lan percetakan sing luwih sithik, lan kemampuan kinerja sing luwih akeh.
kelas | LYSI-410 |
Penampilan | Pelet putih |
kandungan silikon% | 50 |
Dasar resin | HIPS |
Indeks leleh (230 ℃, 2,16KG ) g/10min | 13.0 (nilai khas) |
Dosis% (w/w) | 0.5~5 |
(1) Ningkatake sifat pangolahan kalebu kemampuan aliran sing luwih apik, nyuda extrusion die drool, torsi extruder kurang, ngisi & ngeculake cetakan sing luwih apik
(2) Ngapikake kualitas permukaan kaya slip permukaan, Koefisien gesekan sing luwih murah
(3) Luwih abrasi & tahan gores
(4) throughput luwih cepet, nyuda tingkat cacat produk.
(5) Ningkatake stabilitas dibandhingake karo bantuan pangolahan utawa pelumas tradisional
(1) alas kaki TPR/TR
(2) Thermoplstic elastomer
(3) Teknik plastik
(4) Sistem liyane sing kompatibel karo PS
Masterbatch silikon seri SILIKE LYSI bisa diproses kanthi cara sing padha karo operator resin sing didhasarake. Bisa digunakake ing proses campuran leleh klasik kaya extruder sekrup Single / Twin, cetakan injeksi. Campuran fisik karo pelet polimer prawan dianjurake.
Nalika ditambahake ing poliethelin utawa termoplastik sing padha ing 0,2 nganti 1%, proses pangolahan lan aliran resin sing luwih apik, kalebu ngisi cetakan sing luwih apik, torsi extruder kurang, pelumas internal, release cetakan lan throughput sing luwih cepet; Ing tingkat tambahan sing luwih dhuwur, 2 ~ 5%, sifat permukaan sing luwih apik dijangkepi, kalebu lubricity, slip, koefisien gesekan sing luwih murah lan tahan mar / gores lan abrasion sing luwih gedhe.
25Kg / tas, tas kertas kerajinan
Transportasi minangka bahan kimia sing ora mbebayani. Simpen ing papan sing adhem lan kanthi ventilasi sing apik.
Karakteristik asli tetep utuh sajrone 24 wulan wiwit tanggal produksi, yen disimpen ing panyimpenan sing disaranake.
Chengdu Silike Technology Co., Ltd minangka produsen lan pemasok bahan silikon, sing wis darmabakti kanggo R&D kombinasi Silikon karo termoplastik kanggo 20+ years, products including but not limited to Silicone masterbatch , Silicone powder, Anti-scratch masterbatch, Super-slip Masterbatch, Anti-abrasion masterbatch, Anti-Squeaking masterbatch, Silicone wax and Silicone-Thermoplastic Vulcanizate(Si-TPV), for more details and test data, please feel free to contact Ms.Amy Wang Email: sheet is a material made of general-purpose polystyrene resin, some of our PS material clients told us when their downstream client produces 40 thread thickness polystyrene sheets if 50 sheets are cut at the same time, the surface of the products will have fuzz flash issues. when added SILIKE silicone additive to polystyrene at 2.0%, improved processing and flow of the resin are expected, in addition, the final PS sheet has good toughness, smooth surface that can cut PS sheet in a wanton shape, get good kerf and smooth edge.
gelar Silicone Masterbatch
kelas Silicone Powder
gelar Masterbatch Anti-gores
gelar Masterbatch Anti-abrasion
kelas Si-TPV
grades Silicone Wax